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FrankenPhilco extreme

Almost everyone dislikes Frankenradios but when a real junker arrives and it's not a rare model, it's fun to experiment and see where things will end up. This is a description of one of those junkers and three years of playing with it; sorry if I offend any purists:

The project is a 37-620 tombstone. I got it several years ago when it needed a dial, speaker, and power and audio transformers; the finish was long gone too. Replacing the power transformer required moving the rectifier to the chassis and mounting a 5Y3; it got a Rock Sea dial, one of those horrible ivory colored jobs that I had to overspray with clear orange for the right Philco color; the speaker became an 8" 20w full fidelity PM type with a choke and new audio transformer mounted to it. The 6F6 audio tube was rewired for a stronger 6L6; with a higher B+ from the new power transformer, two 0D3 regulator tubes were added in the former filter cap chassis holes to drop it to a regulated 300V. After this the AGC and audio detectors were solid-stated. Shielded cable replaced and RF and IF grid leads; metal tubes are used when possible.

Not content with the distortion in the audio stage, I added an additional tube, a 6J7 sharp cut-off pentode, into the hole formerly occupied by a large cap in the center of the RF deck. A socket fit perfectly in the hole. The new 6J7 is now a detector/audio amp with very low distortion and very high output and eliminated the need for the 6Q7. Fixed bias for this 6J7 was taken from the lowest tap on the B- resistor. The very high output from the 6J7 is perfect for driving the 6L6 and yields a nearly distortion-free full 11 watts audio output. (Even with my bad hearing it is never turned up very high)

The 6Q7 socket, no longer being used, was rewired for a twin-triode 6N7 which serves as a low and high freq emphasis amplifier; it is fed by filtered audio detected from the IF and re-inserted at the grid of the new 6J7 through a resistor network. This is a marginally effective circuit which may be eliminated and made into something else eventually.

Also while playing with the circuitry, I moved my four component LED tuning indicator to a position just above the tuning knobs- a terrific improvement which replaces shadow meters. (eventually I'll get around to posting the very simple and effective circuit)

The cabinet was refinished in walnut stain with a nice looking very dark sprayed highlighted edges. A large escutcheon from a floor model replaced the smaller original with a bit of wood cutting. Except for the tuning knobs, I elected to use a set of non-Philco knobs; after all, this radio isn't really a Philco anymore.

I recorded none of the schematic changes; the new circuits and applications are wired according to the data in any tube manual.

That's it. I'm ready for the volley of criticism for destroying a Philco. Fire away.....

Pete AI2V

Messages In This Thread
FrankenPhilco extreme - by AI2V - 04-02-2011, 10:36 AM
Re: FrankenPhilco extreme - by Ron Ramirez - 04-02-2011, 11:02 AM
Re: FrankenPhilco extreme - by mgutierres - 04-02-2011, 12:20 PM
LED tuning indicator schematic - by AI2V - 04-02-2011, 05:15 PM
Re: FrankenPhilco extreme - by AI2V - 04-02-2011, 05:18 PM
Re: FrankenPhilco extreme - by TA Forbes - 04-05-2011, 11:29 PM
Re: FrankenPhilco extreme - by Ram - 04-07-2011, 08:05 PM
Re: FrankenPhilco extreme - by AI2V - 04-10-2011, 10:20 AM
Re: FrankenPhilco extreme - by Marsupial - 04-10-2011, 08:56 PM
Re: FrankenPhilco extreme - by Arran - 04-12-2011, 10:01 PM

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