07-09-2021, 12:40 PM
Hi and welcome to the Phorum. So you can get your caps from quite a few good sources and which ones depends on how many radios you intend to restore. If you have several or more then buying the most used values in bulk (quantities of 10 or more) is the way to go. Your unit price will be close to half. If you're buying for one or two then you are on the right track. Yes, stay with the 630 volt film. The 8300 ohm resistor is a wire wound so try to find a similar wire wound at 10 watts (maybe 8000 - 8200). The rest of the resistors can be tested and if they are more than twenty percent out of tolerance (I use 10 percent) then replace them. Feel free to run any questions at the Phorum. You'll probably get more than one correct answer. GL with your 95.