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SOLVED Westinghouse RC radio-so... they think im the guy to get this thing working


I agree, I had forgotten the 1320 has that higher profile driver housing...
Scott in the image below that was from the post I found, possibly, a partial (fuzzy) view of a "B" battery. Look in between the legs of the children.


The "A" battery would have been recharged overnight or once a week by a trickle charger, usually a Rectox, (copper-Oxide) but there were many varieties of battery chargers in the 20's some rather dangerous.

In the country the farmer would swap the battery with one in the tractor or the lighting plant. Sometimes the radio fan would lug the "A" battery to Filling Station for a re-charge. The wool carpets would catch H**l when acid got spilled on them.

The "B" battery would eventually become consumed and would be replace from the Hardware Store, cost was around $3.00 for 45 volt standard "B" with a 22-1/2 volt tap.  There were "B" supplies, re-chargeable "B" (L/A), "A" supplies, "A-B" supplies and supplies that housed a L/A battery with a chemical rectifier for the "B" or a BH cold cathode rectifier. Combinations of a "B" supply, a L/A 60 amp hr battery and trickle charger controlled by a filament current relay. Turn on the filaments for the radio and the relay automagically transferred the trickle charger AC to the "B" supply AC...

Philco made a series of A & B battery supplies... Exide did as well with a built in transfer relay.


Pliny the younger
“nihil novum nihil varium nihil quod non semel spectasse sufficiat”

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RE: Westinghouse circa 20's radio-so... they think im the guy to get this thing working - by Chas - 09-06-2021, 11:53 PM

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