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SOLVED Westinghouse RC radio-so... they think im the guy to get this thing working


Per my call with the store owner, and after understanding more about his combined personal preferences coupled with having this set playing at his business, it revealed an idea i had come up with during our call.

Since in his opinion he really doesn't enjoy listening to the quote / unquote "radio" anymore like he used to because its "mostly garbage" music or the same 10 songs or people talking politics, he's not really all that concerned about the "all original" aspects.

When hearing more about what he thinks, i drummed up an idea about grafting in some wifi tech where from the "store smart phone" , he could connect to this radio as a wireless device and pick music from his custom play list.  I would either duplicate by hand or locate knobs/jacks and do some cleanup and wipe down of the chassis.  the rear coil would go to chass and the internals may stay put or if the variometer is needed by someone that would ship out as well.

my points i made to him were exactly on point with what he actually didn't know how to word until i mentioned them.  I feel like................
-- I am interested in giving the radio a chance to become useful and alive again.
-- I am against tossing it out in the garbage because i feel it deserves some respect even with all the battle scares, its a seasoned radio veteran.

Thoughts?  has anyone done this before?  
I was actually thinking he should just buy an old smartphone just for this radio,, and with a cable/jack, play out to a speaker i mount.  this way the whole wireless aspect,, and software/firmware updates and all that goobly ga is not a factor.  Keep it somewhat simpler so to speak.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Westinghouse circa 20's radio-so... they think im the guy to get this thing working - by jcassity - 09-10-2021, 09:48 AM

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