09-30-2021, 07:22 PM
The weather has been nice over the past few days. I finished all the woodwork on the new cabinet. It doesn't look half bad for being made by someone who does not claim to be a cabinet maker at all, just a humble wood butcher. Yesterday I sprayed the inside of the upper, chassis, area with black paint, as well as the front of the lower speaker section in a small area around the speaker hole. Today I used a wet rag and rubbed it all over to raise the grain. I let the cabinet sit for a few hours until it was well dried, and then sanded the whole exterior until it was very smooth, first with 150 grit, and then with 320 grit paper. I then used a tack cloth to remove any traces of sawdust, and then went over it with Minwax "Provincial" spray stain. When I was done it looked pretty good. I am letting it sit now. Tomorrow will begin the rubbing on of layers of tung oil finish, and then sanding with 1000 grit between the last few layers. It represents too much work to use a spray poly finish. Meanwhile I am awaiting the arrival of the grill cloth I have ordered for it.