01-04-2022, 09:00 PM
Hey Guys I did recap the set, I also replaced most of the resistors, basically I ordered everything in the Sam's and installed it. I didn't touch the video IF board, or the tuner because I've heard they can cause trouble. I also didn't replace the K Networks. At the time you had to build them and I didn't have enough confidence to try and tackle them. I just ordered some today. I also recapped the Amp board in the screen. It is the original 2.5v tube, I didn't change any wiring and it tests well on my B & K testers. I actually bought 2 to make sure. I've cleaned all the pots, I hooked them up to my meter and slowly adjusted them to look for dead spots but didn't see any. I am very much a rookie at this, it's literally my first try. I also bought a second chassis to double check that I didn't flip any wires, and I've been through both the Sam's and the Philco paperwork and checked the value of the caps. It's probably a simple thing that I'm missing I just don't know where. I put up the schematic if you tell me where to look I'll gladly check.