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Recapped My Predicta Tandem, I don't know what to do

Just my two cents, but, from what I remember from working on these old analog TVs half a century ago, it looks like your horizontal hold and vertical hold are WAY out of adjustment. The horizontal hold accounts for the many narrow bands, and the vertical hold for the thicker rolling band. Adjust the vertical hold until the thick band stops rolling and you are left with just the narrow bands, then adjust the horizontal hold. As you do, you should see these many lines decrease, and decrease, until you have just one solid raster. Be aware, analog TV is no longer being broadcast. You will have to feed an appropriate signal into the set from an old VHS or DVD player which has an analog NTSB output. That will probably be 75 ohms, so you will need to get an adapter for 75 to 300 ohms, which was the standard input for the twinlead used back in the day. Also, without a signal to latch onto, you will have a very hard time getting a stable raster since the broadcast signal has a synch pulse used by the set to lock the frame scan. If you really want to do it right, I advise buying a vintage TV test pattern generator. They can be found on eBay.

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RE: Recapped My Predicta Tandem, I don't know what to do - by mikethedruid - 01-16-2022, 04:05 PM

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