01-23-2023, 11:14 PM
WOW John BIG help. Unfortunately when I was about 15 we were moving the set and the person helping me hit the plug on the back and it pulled off. Now the small wires that go directly into the glass, yeah one of those broke off flush. The booster assembly was on it when I got it back in 89 Funny that soldering iron has been in there for over 30 years! Cannot believe you had or knew the tube number thats a great first start. Thank you for clarifying Roslyn PA from Roslyn LI, and BIG thanks to Terry for the schematic but Greenlawn im very familiar with. I am mechanically and electrically inclined but know my limitations and remember discharging the static on the CRT when I was a kid. Yeah that zap stayed with me over 30 years lol. Nothing to joke about but learned really quick that it was best to find someone to work on it. Life then took over wife, kids, house, work all took precedence....but I never gave up on her, and still wont which is how I found my way here. Yes I have the back of the TV and its normally on it and away from anyone but me to touch it. Fully understand on your Ms Fixr not wanting "another one" to find its way to your door. I would ask that if you could keep me in mind when things may clear for you as you're so close to me id love for someone with the right knowledge to help get her back working again. The chassis and everything are as it was when it was put in the attic in Babylon in the mid 60s and she's followed me through 4 homes and has always been in a climate controlled environment as to not damage the components or the cabinet. Im going to scour the web and see if I can find a CRT replacement (about 25 years ago I came across another Philco set and the CRT was good but just a smidgen larger. Still have that on a shelf as I thought ahhhh you never know when it could be traded or given to someone for use) I so appreciate the responses since posting wish I had found this forum sooner. Again please keep me in mind as I'd really love to get her working again. Sadly my childhood friends father whos set this was passed away but I know somehow he gave me the nudge to start looking again. Thank you again.