04-10-2023, 11:19 AM
I am a new poster and have a model 89 code 123 that had electrolytics changed about 15 years ago, bakelite blocks rebuilt, and homemade rubber washers placed between chassis and cabinet. It worked for many years, but now has no audio out of the speaker or white noise. I do hear some noise when I touch a screwdriver to any tube top cap except for the first 41 tube after the antenna. I used my multimeter to check the pinouts under the RF coil. Looking at the coil from the bottom with the screw tab to the left and going from left to right (clockwise) pins 1 to 3 are open and pins 2,4 and 5 have continuity leading me to believe this is the secondary coil. Pins 1 and 4 are open. Is pin 1 and 3 the primary and is the primary inside the tube? If so, will it pop out for repair