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"37 & '38-116 tube shield compliment

Thanks Phil,

That certainly helps, although 2 shields are missing up on the tuning chassis this looks alot like the '38? chassis that was stuck in the '37 cabinet. Obviously the 6R7 tube with grid cap needs to be shielded. This particular picture shows ALL 3 6J5 tubes shielded also.

So can I assume Icon_redface that all '37 & '38 chassis needed 11 shields?

One thing that has "thrown me for a loop" is this pic IS titled 38-116 CODE 121 !!! Icon_eek I thought ALL '38-116 chassis were code 125 at least that is what the sticker in the cabinet states & what "I" can see from the schematics.

My '37 cabinet has a sticker claiming at one time that it had a code 122 chassis in it. So I was assuming Icon_redface that '37s were coded 121 &122 ONLY.

I do know one thing where I'm missing those two tube shields, there is NO evidence(patina)that they were even there. The chassis is fairly clean. I'm starting to wonder if the 6J5 & the 6R7 were either big base GT style or metal for this particular run of '38s?

Seems 1938 was a little early though for metal tubes.?

The mystery deepens, once more,

Messages In This Thread
Re: "37 & '38-116 tube shield compliment - by CrumblingWires - 06-19-2011, 07:22 PM

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