07-10-2023, 06:05 PM
I was looking through the numbers on the PacificTV website, there were some that were close, but not close enough. Brad is right though, sometimes Grimes-Phonola/Dominion Electrohome would warm over a chassis for more then one model year, which is why I was looking through the previous year models. The model numbers Phonola/D-E used for their chassis did include a year, but it was the date the circuit diagrams were approved, not the year of production, usually it was a model for the following year, but not always, I've seen some that were dated around 1940, but not actually produced until 1947. I would like to know why Eatons seemingly carried two different private label brands of radio, Viking of course, and Minerva. apparently concurrently? (not to be confused with the AC/DC, line operated only, steel cased portables of the late WW2 and post war era). I have run across pictures of that console model somewhere, I have a feeling that it may have been a licensed copy of a U.S made set, a Howard perhaps?