07-11-2023, 09:45 AM
This is an old thread and "truePhilco" has not been on this forum in over a year.
If you can not reach him, I can recommend an alternative.
There is someone in Poland who is making wood finials which are very similar to the Philco grandfather clock finial. Not exactly the same, but "close enough for gubmint work", as they say. I bought one for my model 52 GFC and am very pleased with it.
Just head on over to eBay...
This is an old thread and "truePhilco" has not been on this forum in over a year.
If you can not reach him, I can recommend an alternative.
There is someone in Poland who is making wood finials which are very similar to the Philco grandfather clock finial. Not exactly the same, but "close enough for gubmint work", as they say. I bought one for my model 52 GFC and am very pleased with it.
Just head on over to eBay...
Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN