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1935 Philco 60B, Version 6, Run #11, IF Coil Open

Here's an update!
I unwrapped several more wraps on the outside, and I SAW the telltale blue-green corrosion color, and there was the break!! Very good news, and I am hoping that maybe 8- wraps less on the coil will not make any difference.
Now the difficult part. The other end , at the back of the coil only has a little over 1/8" of the wire exposed. I'm sure if I try to pull anymore, it will just break off with nothing exposed. So I need to try to solder the wire from the coil terminal to this short little stub. I am using magnifying glasses to see this. So hopefully tomorrow I will attempt to solder. I do have the insulation off it, but it sure is short.
I had done some poking around with a pin to try to find the break, when I decided to just unwind more, which certainly was good!

John N3MUN

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