10-14-2024, 08:10 AM
My 91 is table model with two 42 tubes. All measurements were with speaker disconnected from chassis and field coil disconnected from output transformer. I was afraid they were both bad. My speaker is a K6 (8" not 10") but can't be sure of the 6 because of too much rust. The 285 ohm field coil Rob mentions sounds pretty low by me but I'm no expert. Could I use another speaker with a field coil around the 3275 for the K6 based on the speaker list? I'm sure my speaker is on line 87 of the speaker list. The output trans part number is 2585 as in the list. With my output trans reading 384 ohms (today) and line 87 saying 680 ohms is my output trans shot? My ohm meter reads a 3.3k resistor as 3.27k.