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RCA. 120 tunning too narrow and distortion

Well I I've only gotten one pellet out of my shotgun, but there is much joy! You hit the nail on the head.  I was planning and still am planning on changing out all the resters you suggested.  I took on the most hard to get at resistor first R3, cathodes for RF and IF. What a deal! RCA had no intention of ever replacing this resistor.  R3 is soldered to the socket of the detector tube and they put the IF transformer underneath that tube socket, allowing no more than ½ " of space.  The Transformer can is riveted to the back of the chassis and one would have to grind out the rivets in order to move the IF can and get to R3.  R3 is supposed to be 1.0 K.  It tested at 1.4 K. I found a location under the RF amp and place a 3.5 K  from the cathodes to ground, or otherwise across R3 and that brought R3 back to 1 K ohms.
Well turned it on and wow! loud, and no distortion at all.  Still a little narrow on the tunning but it actually has a little bandwidth now.  I will take on the other bias and B+ resisters tomorrow.
Thanks for the help, Bruce B

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RE: RCA. 120 tunning too narrow and distortion - by Bruce B - 12-10-2024, 12:25 PM

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