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Need Help Identifying an Old Zenith Radio Model I used to Have when I was a kid

Greetings everyone when I was a kid (about 15 or 16 years old) my pastor that was at the church I went to growing up gave me an old Zenith Console Radio to keep and work on, and I unfortunately was a newb at radio repair at the time and didn't know that radios weren't supposed to hum when you listened to them and didn't know that it was bad filter capacitors and I was listening to some records on the record player on it and it suddenly let out magic smoke (it smelled really bad like burnt electrical wires, which now I know that what happened was that the filter caps dead shorted and took out the power transformer in the radio) but anyways the radio was a rectangular cabinet that had a front facing speaker with a lyre (or harp) shaped wooden grille insert with gold and brown colored grille cloth that had a leaf pattern in it, and the top of the radio had a lid that opened to reveal the radio and record changer, the radio had 4 knobs I think (a volume/power knob, a tone control knob, a tuning knob and a mode switch to switch between the phono and radio modes), and the radio was AM Only as far as I know and the radio dial was square shaped about 4" square (maybe larger but I don't remember as I never measured it and I'm just going by what it looked like from memory) the dial pointer had a stylized lighting bolt "Z" surrounded by a circle and a pointer that went through both sides of the center of the pointer assembly, and the tuner dial itself readout 550-1620 on the top of the dial and the bottom of the dial read 250-550 Meters, and so far I have yet to find anywhere another radio like it, and I don't know what model it was, or how many tubes it had in it. I was trying to do a GIS for Zenith Console Radios from the 1940s with record players and I haven't seen anything yet, and I even did a GIS for 1930s Zenith Console Radios with record players and not even that returned anything, and like I said I have no idea what year the radio was from, if it was 1930s or 1940s. 

Does anyone have any old Zenith Catalogs from the 1930s or 1940s that they could scan in and upload onto here for me to look at, or know what model of Zenith radio I'm talking about based on the description I gave?

Any help would be appreciated.



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