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Westinghouse H104

The set has been recapped and most resistors replaced as being out of spec. I shoot for 10%. I have 47s in place of 40 E caps. The grid voltage on 6V6 is +.6 volts. Plates are at 200 volts. Screens are 150 volts. Cathodes are at 8 volts vs 14 volts per the schematic. If I use good (stole from another radio) 6Y6s the grid voltages are 0 volts. Readings are with a VTVM. There is no resistor between the two main caps unless you count the field coil. The field coil is 167 ohms and the drop is 20 volts. So that would be 120ma for 6V6s? With the good 6Y6s the current is 162ma Seems like the 5Y3 is cutting it close. Guess I'll stay with the 5U4.

So why is there +.6 volts on the grids of the 6V6s? The schematic says the grids should be 0 volts. The 6V6s test good.

The 6Y6s are drawing more current so maybe I'd be better off with the 6V6s? AC current is up too. I guess it would be if DC current is higher.

Messages In This Thread
Westinghouse H104 - by dconant - 12-13-2024, 06:32 PM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by morzh - 12-13-2024, 09:08 PM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by dconant - 12-14-2024, 12:28 PM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by TV MAN - 12-14-2024, 01:26 PM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by dconant - 12-14-2024, 04:01 PM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by Arran - 12-15-2024, 06:11 AM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by dconant - 12-15-2024, 10:22 AM

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