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Your advice regarding the capacitors in the chassi, matches with my perception. Resistors are less sensitive to changes but I am considering seriously to replace all the critical capacitors specially electrolytical ones. My capacitors were all replaced in 1977 and I manage to purchase in Brazil all tubular original electrolytical capacitors (capacitors that are mounted in a vertical position in the chassis, like a vacuum tube). The capacitors are three and the brand is Sylvania, 4, 8 and 12 microFarads, 750 volts. These capacitors loose their properties with age, specially the isolation rated voltage . Now it will be impossible to find this kind of capacitors in Brazil. i will replace them by modern, new capacitors but they will be mounted in the lower side of the chassis. This will change a little the original characteristics of the circuit but, anyway, the radio will operate better and less subject to leakage currents in the capacitors.

This is a project to be done at easy in a calm period and free from other mental pressures. I will be on vacation from my University (I am a Professor at the Engineering School of Rio de Janeiro State University in the Eelectronics Department) in the period of January 19th to February 18th 2025 and it seems a good opportunity to carry out the electronics retrofit. Also it will allow time for the new Dial, purchased from Radio Daze, to reach Brazil.

Thank you a lot for your intelligent advice ever. To be included in this Phorum was indeed a great and beneficial occurence for me.

Best Regards and many thanks

Paulo Alonso

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RE: NEED A CONTACT OF THE RENOVATED RADIOS FIRM - by palonso - 12-16-2024, 09:01 AM

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