12-29-2024, 10:52 AM
Levi, the IF frequency has nothing to do with the tuning capacitor. I don't believe replacing the grommets on the tuning capacitor would change the oscillator frequency to the point of non operation. The oscillator frequency is mixed with the radio station frequency to produce the IF frequency. Then that signal is passed through the IF stage. So, the IF stage is still tuned to the IF frequency regardless of the tuning capacitor. When the tuning capacitor is removed then reinstalled there may be a slight change in oscillator frequency which would result in a respective shift in the position of the station on the dial. If you're not receiving any signals at all, I would suspect the oscillator is not running at all. BTW, try 355 kHz on your signal generator with the power turned up. If you get a tone then it points to an oscillator problem.