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Can't figure out where this wire goes on Philco 37-640

Happy New Year Phorum Members! I am stumped on my Philco 37-640. I have a wire in the tuner/rf section that I cannot determine where to reconnect it. It was a short red wire which I replaced with a new piece of the same color. I traced it back to pin #2 on the 6a8g tube socket in the tuner/rf section. This pin connection also has two other wires. One goes to the dial light and the other jumpers over to pin #7 of the 6k7g in the tuner /rf section.
I am not smart enough to figure this on out so maybe someone can help. Since one of the wires goes to the only one wire for a dial light, I figure this terminal maybe supplying 6.3 volts, but if that is true, I still need to know where to connect that red short red wire. I have tried to attach a copy of the schematic but it tells me the file type is not allowed and failed.  Thanks---John

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