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$10 Fake Philco Baby Grand radio and a boring weekend

Those first generation Northern Electric "Baby Champs" we used to call those waterfall grill sets, and N.E must have built and sold tens of thousands of them between 1946 and 1950. They were lots of variants made during that time frame in the model 5000 series, some had a shortwave band, some had a tone control, some for some weird reason used a 12K7 as opposed to a 12SK7, and there were battery powered versions as well. I've had a number of model 5000s, and still do, a 5002, a 5104, and a pair of 5200s which are technically not a Baby Champ but related. The 5000s used a 35L6 with a dropping resistor for the series string, but later versions from 1947 onward used the 50L6.
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RE: $10 Fake Philco Baby Grand radio and a boring weekend - by Arran - 01-06-2025, 01:55 AM
462ron - by 462ron - 01-06-2025, 08:56 AM
462ron - by 462ron - Yesterday, 08:16 AM

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