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Philco 46-480 Electronic Restoration

I had time while eating lunch to measure the resistances of the output transformer windings. I measure 450 ohms on the 6V6GT/G side and 1.4 ohms on the speaker side.

This is much closer to what the Rider’s schematic indicates. They have 500 ohms to 1 ohm.

I’ve made the update on my schematic, but I won’t reload it (yet) just for that one little change. I’ll reupload after I finish dismantling the RF chassis to get to the obscured components buried within the wafer switch. I’ll note that so far I’ve found that most components are within 10-15% of their nominal values. Even the mica capacitors are within this range. The parts catalogs specify that most of these had a 5% tolerance, so I plan on replacement.


Philco 46-480
Philco 49-906

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RE: Philco 46-480 Electronic Restoration - by jrblasde - Yesterday, 01:06 PM

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