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Were there other kinds of capacitors in 1934 other than the old Wax Paper Capacitors?

Captain Clock, I did not cut up the innards of the caps, but I don't think that they are oil. The paper in most tubular caps may have an oil coating, but I don't think of those as "oil" caps in the sense of the original oil filled caps that are hermetically sealed.

Early 1930s Westinghouse Columnette radios were built by RCA. The original floor standing Columnette clock radio being an RCA Radiola 80. I don't know when Westinghouse started building their own radios or stopped using RCA, maybe between 1933 and 1935, but even into the late 1930s some Westinghouse sets were built by other companies. I have only 2 Westinghouse radios in my collection, A WR211 ca 1935-37 made by American Bosch, and a WR217, also ca 1936-37 which used an Emerson R series chassis. I think that some of the H series Westinghouse radios were built by them.

"Do Justly, love Mercy and walk humbly with your God"- Micah 6:8
"Let us begin to do good"- St. Francis

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