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Philco 46-480 Electronic Restoration

I print my sch on 11x17". There is a compromise between putting enough on one sheet and the fact that the symbols will be scaled down due to a larger sheet size. Especially considering you have one library with the same size for a component type (if it is used for work and not for hobby, where it is easier to bend all kinds of rules; although Altium schematics look hideous in that respect as people take symboles from outside sources and I saw 5 different resistors symboles in one schematic by a colleague of mine), and it has to look legible on anything from A to D size.

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

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RE: Philco 46-480 Electronic Restoration - by morzh - Yesterday, 10:41 AM

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