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1930s Stewart-Warner Tombstone Radio need help identifying model number

How Common is it for the Antenna Coil or Oscillator Coil on these Radios to fail? I'm asking because when I inject a signal from my signal generator into my radio at the point of the grid cap of the 58 tube for the 1st Detector Stage of the radio, I get full blast Audio from my signal Generator but if I inject a signal from my Signal Generator at the Antenna Lead-in Wire for the radio, I get nothing but a very faint audio signal even with the volume turned up full blast on the radio and the signal generator outputting full blast. 

I would like to get this radio going but if its got a bad antenna coil then I may not be able to save this radio.

What's weird is that other than a lot of dirt buildup on the top of the chassis from sitting in someone's basement over the years or something, the chassis on this radio has absolutely no rust or other corrosion on it to speak of, and the chassis underneath was just as clean, so I'm really kind of stumped as to why this radio would be acting up like it is, because it seems like it should of been a simple replace the original capacitors and go kind of situation with this radio but so far that hasn't been the case.

Messages In This Thread
462ron - by 462ron - 12-29-2024, 09:09 AM
462ron - by 462ron - 12-29-2024, 04:04 PM
RE: 1930s Stewart-Warner Tombstone Radio need help identifying model number - by captainclock1988 - Yesterday, 04:17 PM
462ron - by 462ron - 7 hours ago

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