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Westinghouse H104

Push Pull does better, but requires a method of phase inversion. This costs money. I have a Coronado battery farm set (2V A, 90V B), sold by Gamble Skogmo, a Midwest chain store, that had 2 950s in parallel. I need an output transformer and still have to make the oscillator work (mice ate the coil).

The 3Q5 develops about 250mW, so 2 of these will give you 500mW. The standard AA5 AC-DC set develops about 1 to 1.5W

I have 2 RCA Farm Sets 5BT and 6BT, that run on a 2V A Battery, 135V B Battery and -7.5V C Battery. These sets have push pull Class B outputs (a 19 for the 5BT and 2 49s for the 6BT. Each set puts out about 2W into an 8" speaker.

"Do Justly, love Mercy and walk humbly with your God"- Micah 6:8
"Let us begin to do good"- St. Francis

Best Regards, 


Messages In This Thread
Westinghouse H104 - by dconant - 12-13-2024, 06:32 PM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by morzh - 12-13-2024, 09:08 PM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by dconant - 12-14-2024, 12:28 PM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by TV MAN - 12-14-2024, 01:26 PM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by dconant - 12-14-2024, 04:01 PM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by Arran - 12-15-2024, 06:11 AM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by dconant - 12-15-2024, 10:22 AM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by MrFixr55 - 01-07-2025, 10:41 PM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by dconant - Yesterday, 09:35 AM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by radiorich - Yesterday, 10:29 AM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by MrFixr55 - Yesterday, 12:35 PM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by RodB - Yesterday, 03:02 PM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by morzh - Yesterday, 03:16 PM
RE: Westinghouse H104 - by MrFixr55 - Yesterday, 06:41 PM

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