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$10 Fake Philco Baby Grand radio and a boring weekend

462ron, I don't know everything about every what I call "boxy style" car radios, the ones with built in speakers and are table top radio shaped.
I personally own four 1949-1950 Buick sonomatics made by Delco and they are the most table radio shaped. I understand in the early 40s they had one but it was sloped on the bottom and if you tried to place it on a table it would topple over. I have two 12v 1955 Buick sonomatics (again Delco made) and it will sit square John proud on a table but it's speaker face is kind of slanted and makes it look a little hideous.

I have a Chevrolet radio from 1947 made by Motorola that is boxy but it has more rounded off corners.
It is single ended 6V6 and should give more pleasing tubey 2nd harmonic distortion, or so I read.

I got all these at the start of last year
and I can see the prices are all jacked up now.

But I imagine you could house break a rough bare metal style Buick Sonomatic by painting the bare metal with a pleasing home worthy color enamel, and replacing the rough zinc plated hex screws with rounded off polished stainless steel Philips ones.

Messages In This Thread
462ron - by 462ron - 01-06-2025, 08:56 AM
462ron - by 462ron - 01-07-2025, 08:16 AM
RE: $10 Fake Philco Baby Grand radio and a boring weekend - by Oldie Goldie - Yesterday, 08:51 PM
462ron - by 462ron - 4 hours ago

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