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$10 Fake Philco Baby Grand radio and a boring weekend

MrFixr55 i know this sounds phycho.
But this condolete...recreation of what somebody in a DIY mood might have built in 1964 from 40s and 50s crap after reading the "Junk tge car save the radio" thinking is like this:

im trying put my mindset to somebody from that time, and choose materials and construction techniques from that time. Even make mistakes that guys did from that time.

so that looking at it today it gives the same first impression a 2025 person might have to some guys 50s/60s DIY budget masterpiece like:

its cool and old school handmade, but its kind of 60s hideous and out of date, but it sounds "they don't build like they used to"
down to "they did it like that back then, and the styling, what were they thinking!?"

i might put in a volume level multiple light meter that lights up in a line too
its in the same magazine from 1964.

im also trying go make this thing serviceable if it falls into future generations hands.

No Bluetooth, and no LED fans though.

i have drawn in MS paint from XP grafted onto my Windows 10 computer, no less than 40 drawings of what style of grill cutout, and different ways to bolt the radio in, all the while boiling my brains trying go understand what some dude back then would have done it.

i hate myself and my skills so im sweating over little details and each drawing i dislike my newest drawing a little bit less than the last one. Progress!

Messages In This Thread
462ron - by 462ron - 01-06-2025, 08:56 AM
462ron - by 462ron - 01-07-2025, 08:16 AM
RE: $10 Fake Philco Baby Grand radio and a boring weekend - by Oldie Goldie - Yesterday, 10:46 PM
462ron - by 462ron - 4 hours ago

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