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RE: [split] Philco Radio Model 40-120 bluetooth


It is actually easy. Unlike some of us, who cut the old caps, gut them and restuff with new ones, all you have to do is to get these 6 caps (the values are in the sch or here, I listed them), cut them out (don't need to desolder), leaving some stubs, and solder the new caps to the stubs.
We have some people, who had never held soldering iron in their hands or knew Ohm from Amp before taking on a projects more complicated than that.
Basic safety applies, of course.
Considering the radio works, this is the matter of changing these 6 caps.
It would be desirable to measure resistors and change if needed, but this, unlike the caps, is not a safety question anymore. You could even do without alignment.

It is your call, of course, but sometimes the problem seems bigger than it is.
And you already took the chassis out. That's the hardest part.

And, as you could see, we are pretty responsive, especially to new members who have little experience and need some guidance.

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

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