Yesterday, 09:31 AM
I have got petty far along on the radio so far. My chassis is upside down as Richard says. The caps in big clamp are long gone with a dual 4 wire electrolytic in its place. I am finding some original parts (caps) are missing as well. Several wires not soldered.
I see there is a early and later version of the schematic. I can't quite figure out which one I have. Looks like maybe someone was trying to make a late version out of the early or the other way around. Best I can tell between the two is the volume control. The volume control in my radio is not original as it says Philco on it with the shaft modified. Since the Philco is 2K I would guess maybe it is wired as early version. The B- is wired directly to one of the out pins of the volume control which looks wrong to me. I'm thinking wiring as the late version.
Transformer is good (whew) as well as FC and OT.
Antenna coil has a bad winding but not sure which one it is yet. Bummer. I suspect some miss-wiring maybe burned out the one inside the coil tube. Have not got to the other two coils yet. Lets hope they are good.
The three section candohm is totally shot as well as one other single candohm. Found a 2 watt resistor in a plastic sleeve that should be 50K and it measures close to that but its painted white. Beats me why. Lots of extra long wires in here.
Since several neat parts are gone from this radio I plan to just use terminal strips with modern parts.
Arran why would you use motor run caps? I was planning on using 10MF ECaps.
I see there is a early and later version of the schematic. I can't quite figure out which one I have. Looks like maybe someone was trying to make a late version out of the early or the other way around. Best I can tell between the two is the volume control. The volume control in my radio is not original as it says Philco on it with the shaft modified. Since the Philco is 2K I would guess maybe it is wired as early version. The B- is wired directly to one of the out pins of the volume control which looks wrong to me. I'm thinking wiring as the late version.
Transformer is good (whew) as well as FC and OT.
Antenna coil has a bad winding but not sure which one it is yet. Bummer. I suspect some miss-wiring maybe burned out the one inside the coil tube. Have not got to the other two coils yet. Lets hope they are good.
The three section candohm is totally shot as well as one other single candohm. Found a 2 watt resistor in a plastic sleeve that should be 50K and it measures close to that but its painted white. Beats me why. Lots of extra long wires in here.
Since several neat parts are gone from this radio I plan to just use terminal strips with modern parts.
Arran why would you use motor run caps? I was planning on using 10MF ECaps.