Yesterday, 08:23 PM
I've been "burning it in" last couple weeks and so far, it's behaving pretty good. It's weird having a lot of the controls on the back - backwards! Anyway, I do have a couple details I'm trying to get worked out. I have a light hum bar going up the screen and is most noticable on the lower channels, and doesn't care if the source is from a modulator or the B&K. It diminishes when I flip the clunker up to 5 or more. I put the signal into the video and it's clean, but still shows up if I put the channel back to 3 or 4 with no signal. I think it's from the tuner somehow, but I don't know if it's picking up over the air or from within. I did swap tuner tubes with NOS without any change. So - not sure on that one yet. It may just be the nature of this TV.
Another thing that kinda has me scratching my head is that lousy sync buzz in the sound. Now, I can adjust the detector transformer and minimize it - but, it depends on the signal source. This is from a small modulator or RCA set top box but my Agile modulator acts different yet. I can almost always adjust and minimize the buzz, but I shouldn't have to adjust this each time I change signal sources. I'm inclined to set it for the Agile since it is a commercial unit. Other than those minor annoyances, it is working very good. I'm about ready to put back in the cabinet and see if my resto was a success. It's a 75 year old set and a very simple one at that, so it wont have the filtering to clean out all the 'stuff' we have in the signal nowadays.
Another thing that kinda has me scratching my head is that lousy sync buzz in the sound. Now, I can adjust the detector transformer and minimize it - but, it depends on the signal source. This is from a small modulator or RCA set top box but my Agile modulator acts different yet. I can almost always adjust and minimize the buzz, but I shouldn't have to adjust this each time I change signal sources. I'm inclined to set it for the Agile since it is a commercial unit. Other than those minor annoyances, it is working very good. I'm about ready to put back in the cabinet and see if my resto was a success. It's a 75 year old set and a very simple one at that, so it wont have the filtering to clean out all the 'stuff' we have in the signal nowadays.
If I could find the place called "Somewhere", I could find "Anything"

Jesus cried out and said, "Whoever believes in me , believes not in me but in him who sent me" John 12:44