Yesterday, 02:07 PM
Hi fellas and thanks for the helpful replies. First, let me apologize for the title typo. It's a "37-9" and I edited the title so that it is correct now. As for the duplication with my new member post, I thought I was just introducing myself and giving some personal background and some idea as to why I was here -- I didn't mean for it to appear as a double post.
That's great info about which shaft turns the gear. While the vernier turns [with no visible/detectable effect] the course shaft around it is like the gear itself, completely frozen. My brother says that he thinks all the tuning mechanisms were working when he gave it to the UPS folks to pack and ship. It's clear that something hit the side of the box that the tuner was on because it broke the magnetic tuning handle. Perhaps it also jammed the vernier/course shafts. I'll try soaking it for a day or so in lacquer thinner, but it doesn't seem like it is a hardened grease issue, though I have been surprised many times over the years with how that can lock up turn tables. Certainly worth a try...
It would sure be nice to have a cross section of this so that I could better visualize how best to free it up or even take it further apart.
Btw, I have enough parts in that parallel dimension that, if I ever could access it, I could build several pretty impressive things -- like tractors, cars, radios and TVs, and dozens of little electronic devices that my wife or kids thought I should be able to repair.
That's great info about which shaft turns the gear. While the vernier turns [with no visible/detectable effect] the course shaft around it is like the gear itself, completely frozen. My brother says that he thinks all the tuning mechanisms were working when he gave it to the UPS folks to pack and ship. It's clear that something hit the side of the box that the tuner was on because it broke the magnetic tuning handle. Perhaps it also jammed the vernier/course shafts. I'll try soaking it for a day or so in lacquer thinner, but it doesn't seem like it is a hardened grease issue, though I have been surprised many times over the years with how that can lock up turn tables. Certainly worth a try...
It would sure be nice to have a cross section of this so that I could better visualize how best to free it up or even take it further apart.
Btw, I have enough parts in that parallel dimension that, if I ever could access it, I could build several pretty impressive things -- like tractors, cars, radios and TVs, and dozens of little electronic devices that my wife or kids thought I should be able to repair.