7 hours ago
I'm curious, I saw the 38-2 dial you got from them. Are you getting a new, improved one from them without the white "outlining"?
I too am thinking about getting one and would like to see if they improved their process before ordering. So if you get a replacement, please post a picture of it.
It kind of looks like they print white and then the color on top but it doesn't get aligned quite right.
I'm curious, I saw the 38-2 dial you got from them. Are you getting a new, improved one from them without the white "outlining"?
I too am thinking about getting one and would like to see if they improved their process before ordering. So if you get a replacement, please post a picture of it.
It kind of looks like they print white and then the color on top but it doesn't get aligned quite right.
Can't think of anything witty.
Greg O.
Whitehall, PA