11 hours ago
I got some sockets that were supposidly NOS, but when they showed up, they were in a bag marked "China". They didn't fit any of the screw holes and were smaller. Should have returned them but by the time I paid the shipping and took the time, wasn't worth it. So for the moment, I put a couple extra sockets I had left over, will, you can imagine this didn't help. Same problems. So, ordering some ceramic ones from over seas. I have some but they are bottom mount and don't look very good. Amp 2 still sounds a little lackluster, could be the socket. Just not sure yet. Arran, I'm not sure what they are made from. I didn't notice any melting, but I might try the soldering iron trick on one I know is junk. Now, I'm curious.
If I could find the place called "Somewhere", I could find "Anything"

Jesus cried out and said, "Whoever believes in me , believes not in me but in him who sent me" John 12:44