9 hours ago
I believe I broke the wire when I was in there changing caps and such. The hum is a little puzzling. I can see it even if I inject a video signal in the video amp, but as soon as I flip the clunker between channels, it goes away, and the higher channel, the less notable the hum is. It's not a deal breaker by any means, just a little annoying. I don't know if Mr Anderson had any problem with this in his Emerson or not. Sync is solid, I only note it in the raster with a signal. And the stronger signal, the more predominate. Really not sure if it's coming in from an outside source somehow or from inside. Mr. Anderson, if you happen to see this, what are your thoughts and experiences with these issues on yours?
Take a look at the picture. It slowly moves up. I might take the TV someplace else and check in case I have something in the house causing this. I have always had hum issues in this house for some reason. Cant hardly listen to AM, so this could very well be external.
Take a look at the picture. It slowly moves up. I might take the TV someplace else and check in case I have something in the house causing this. I have always had hum issues in this house for some reason. Cant hardly listen to AM, so this could very well be external.
If I could find the place called "Somewhere", I could find "Anything"

Jesus cried out and said, "Whoever believes in me , believes not in me but in him who sent me" John 12:44