03-25-2025, 11:49 AM
Arran - thanks, I'll chase those easier things first. The sockets and pins were dirty, and there was a bit of crackling at first that was provoked by wiggling the tubes, but it seemed to have settled down after a couple of removal and replacements (tubes out when working on the chassis etc... Still worth a shot. Ditto another freshening up of the bandswitch.
Alas, there is no value given for the IF caps, but I did find this thread:
And it may have some helpful info. Need to check that the transformer part numbers match what I have. There seem to be a number of chassis variants. I finally found a very feint stamp on this one declaring 7K01. Some of the sets have AM and FM transformers combined in one can (as does my console), this set has separate cans for each band, 7 in all, including the discriminator!
Alas, there is no value given for the IF caps, but I did find this thread:
And it may have some helpful info. Need to check that the transformer part numbers match what I have. There seem to be a number of chassis variants. I finally found a very feint stamp on this one declaring 7K01. Some of the sets have AM and FM transformers combined in one can (as does my console), this set has separate cans for each band, 7 in all, including the discriminator!
I don't hold with furniture that talks.