02-07-2012, 02:02 PM
Hello & thanks to all so far who have helped me. I completely aligned all stages of the 90. All stations now track the dial & come in very strong. BUT...It only plays well and consistent after being on about a half hour. Please let me try to explain. When first turn radio on, just get low hum, but volume control works, but no stations as if no antenna connected. After 5 minutes, get this shoooshing sound like listening to the ocean through a seashell, or a far away thunder/lightning storm. When it does this, the volume control does not track. After 15 minutes, get constant seashell sound as if it had to warm up to get to that point. After that, had volume but very very low, even with volume control now tracking. The radio stabilized in this low volume state, & at that point, I touched a grid cap with a screwdriver & it came to life as if it had to be kick started. Had to do this a few times till it stabized in a good working state. It's been playing well now for three hours tracking the dial well, stations strong with shoooshing sound very low. (Stations override the low shoooshing). Have not had to touch any grid capa with screwdriver at this point. Lastly, what seemed to eliminate even the low shoooshing, was disconnecting & reconnecting the antenna lead. Any ideas why all this would happen?