03-03-2012, 04:16 PM
I've studied up on basic electronics and understand resistance, capacitance, resonance, etc., went through an RCA radio course on disc, so I get the basics. But, I would really like to know, for example, why a certain resistor is where it is and why. I would like to look at a schematic and understand what all the components do and how everything ties together. I have a couple of cheap old tube radios that I could experiment on. I've also home-brewed some crystal and one-tube broadcast and SW band radios. I may not be expressing this very well, but I hope you get my drift.
Also, I've heard from several people who say resistors or only about a nickle apiece. Where do you find resistors for $0.05? JustRadios and TubesAndMore are around $0.45 each. Do you buy them by the boxcar load?
I would be happy to hear from anybody on this subject.
I may not be very good, but I'm slow.