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How to select replacement 33rpm changer for 47-1230

My suggestion would be to use a changer from an early 1950s Philco console. The 1950 and newer changers will have a single tone arm and three speeds (33-1/3, 45 and 78 rpm).

Pros: Same brand, will look more "natural" in the set, may even mount the same as the 1947 changer which would be a definite plus.

Cons: The newer changer will use a ceramic cartridge with a higher output. This would overload your set's built-in phono preamp. You would want to change the cartridge anyway to one capable of playing 0.7 mil stereo records; the older LP styli were 1 mil and may damage your records.

So you are looking at some sort of modification, no matter which way you go.

It's worth the effort, though, if you really like the radio and want to keep it.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

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