05-01-2012, 04:10 PM
Oh, yeah. I never trust dials - they are for reference only. 
Yes I will treat it as an old-ish radio (70s is not too bad; the caps were better and the ones requiring replacement are usually the electrolytic ones; also the resistors were better by that time).
Will be fun!
(We have a Russian saying about a woman who led a worry-free life, who then decided to buy a piglet).
There. Well, maybe intense thinking process and electric shocks delivered in reasonable quantity keep my Altzheimer away

Yes I will treat it as an old-ish radio (70s is not too bad; the caps were better and the ones requiring replacement are usually the electrolytic ones; also the resistors were better by that time).
Will be fun!
(We have a Russian saying about a woman who led a worry-free life, who then decided to buy a piglet).

There. Well, maybe intense thinking process and electric shocks delivered in reasonable quantity keep my Altzheimer away