10-18-2012, 10:37 PM
This is great! Thanks to everyone for taking the time to share their radio collections. I got the radio bug in about 1981, when I was given my great-grandparent's Coronado console radio that sat in the living room of their home since the 1940's. I also have my grandparent's 1942 Zenith (table model) that they bought new, plus a 1938 Silvertone console with the original guarantee tag from Sears Roebuck that was hanging in the back of the set (it's now hanging from one of the knobs in the front for display). It has written in fountain pen the purchase date of 9/10/38 on it. My Philco collecting bug stems from collecting Bing Crosby music and memorabilia. As many of you may know, his radio series from 1946-49 was sponsored by Philco and called "Philco Radio Time". He helped make Philco's post-war years among their most successful (not to mention helping to sell a mother load of model 1201's, the most heavily advertised set on the show!) Here's a link to details about the series: http://www.stevenlewis.info/crosby/philco46.htm