10-19-2012, 01:29 PM
Agree with Ron, the cap from the detecter can be a show stopper, all it is supposed to do is filter out IF component, but when it gets leaky or shorts, little or no sound. Also agree that wholesale replacement of paper and electrolytic capacitors should always be done.
There are two capacitors connected to the plate of the 41 output tube, pin 2. One is to suppress oscillation and goes to ground, the other is to the tone control to suppress treble. These must be high voltage types as there are transients present. I would rather see 1000 volt types used here, although many would just stick with 630 volt types, but nothing less will do. If you haven't changed them out, now's the time. Symptoms are similar when they start to go, consequences much more severe as in a blown output transformer!
Agree that the scan of the schematic for this set on the other forum is terrible, but you can get a clear good set of detailed information very reasonably from this forum moderator Chuck Schwark here:
There are two capacitors connected to the plate of the 41 output tube, pin 2. One is to suppress oscillation and goes to ground, the other is to the tone control to suppress treble. These must be high voltage types as there are transients present. I would rather see 1000 volt types used here, although many would just stick with 630 volt types, but nothing less will do. If you haven't changed them out, now's the time. Symptoms are similar when they start to go, consequences much more severe as in a blown output transformer!
Agree that the scan of the schematic for this set on the other forum is terrible, but you can get a clear good set of detailed information very reasonably from this forum moderator Chuck Schwark here: