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Zenith 9-S-262 Restoration Chronicles

I got my capacitor order and finished up the last of the wiring last night. This morning I slowly brought it up on my variac. I'm always a little nervous firing up a radio for the first time after a complete rewire like this. After getting to 117V I tried out the motorized tuning and everything worked great. I then started scanning tha AM dial and to my delight I was able to receive quite a few stations loud and clear! I tried out the Foreign and Amateur bands and, although I only have a 2 foot piece of wire hooked up, I was able to hear some faint stations on both bands. I went back to the AM band and then peaked the IF transformers by ear. I'll go back and do a full alignment later. I'm back on the AM band right now and listening as I write this. Here is a photo:


I'll be posting more photos later and I have a few touch-ups I need to do. The belt for the motorized tuning slips a little and I've noticed that the tuning eye does not open or close. Anyways, just wanted to post this update.

- Geoff

Messages In This Thread
Zenith 9-S-262 Restoration Chronicles - by Geoff - 06-27-2012, 11:56 PM
RE: Zenith 9-S-262 Restoration Chronicles - by Geoff - 10-21-2012, 12:38 PM

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