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Another 90 Question concerning grommets last post.

Well, I picked up my parts chassis and have some time to look at it when I got it home. Certainly is a 90 and has the original electrolytic cans but the underside seems to have a lot more "hanging" caps in there. The chassis had a 47 tube in it. The area next was missing the tube. In my single ended chassis, it would be a 27, in the PP it would have been another 47. I am suspecting this is a PP chassis. The parts chassis also has stamped on both sides in a black stamp "SPECIAL". Not certain what that means. The small label on the back of the tube shield has a color more like tinfoil. Mine, the standard yellow like. The serial number is also on the paper the label is setting on. See the picture attached of the two chassis side by side.
If it is a dual 47 I will have a problem if I decide to use this chassis in that it has no speaker/output transformer. I suspect the speaker itself is interchangeable but the OPT would be very different.
Is this parts chassis somewhat valuable? All I need out of it is the old electrolytic cans and a couple cap blocks to replace in my single ended original chassis that some early restorer decided when an internal cap went south to break off the lugs to hang the replacement in the air.

Your thoughts please are appreciated.



A friend in need is a pest!  Bill Slee ca 1970.

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