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Another 90 Question concerning grommets last post.

Anyone out there that has been following, well, got the nice detector transformer rewound back from Ron. He sure does a nice job. Installed and got a few radio station, not well but enough to think things are about right. Today, I thought I would try alignment. I'm not the best at this but set up my frequency generator to 175 and hooked to the top of the first detector tube with the clip off. Nada. No tone. OK, I'm clever moved the generator around frequency wise and there was the tone! 200 KC. Must have been a magic screw driver in there. It was so far off that all I could do was lower the generator a little at a time and peak until such time I got it down to 175. If I have the energy, I may try to try the radio again, before the IF alignment I had the two locals stations but a lot of howling and screaming in between.
More later and probably some questions.

A friend in need is a pest!  Bill Slee ca 1970.

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