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Philco Jr. Model 81 Volume Circuit

I was wondering if anyone has ever spent any time thinking about modifying the volume circuit in a Philco Jr. Model 81 radio (schematic attached)? The current one simply limits the antenna input. This design leaves you caught between keeping the sensitivity high enough to pull in weak stations and low enough to be able to control the volume on strong stations. I am thinking about moving the volume control to some where in front of the Audio amplifier (42 Output tube). I know this changes it from being stock, but I would also like it to be usable and sound good.

Attached Files
.pdf philco-model-81-radio-schematic.pdf Size: 256.65 KB  Downloads: 321

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Philco Jr. Model 81 Volume Circuit - by Bill Bacco - 03-05-2013, 09:28 AM

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