03-27-2013, 09:27 PM
Did a little selling and trading with a guy last night and I ended up with this odd critter. It appears to be a Radiola 60 in a custom, highboy cabinet. I saw this radio a few months back and thought it to be a Frankenradio, but it appears it isn't. Good news is I practically had it given to me, bad news is it needs help. The power transformer is definitely fried and he did have it going using the power supply from his good 60 while the cabinet was being redone. Even so, he said the input transformers are so-so. The only other bad thing is: It had an AC rectified speaker in it when the guy found it, but he used it in a customer's radio that was missing the same type of speaker.
Luckily, it appears to also be made to accept a 100A speaker (without the case) and he is going to let me have one he has for it. Other pluses: I have all the tubes but the 80 and the cabinet is presentable, even still as the clip on back!

No matter where you go, there you are.