04-07-2013, 08:20 AM
Mazzy - there are two main skill sets to restoring these types of radios; a) the electronics and b) the cabinet. Some people like one aspect more than the other but that's up to you. There is a schematic for the set you are working on here: http://www.philcoradio.com/tech/images/96.jpg . If you are brand new to this I suggest lots of reading before you start doing anything. A place to start is here: http://www.antiqueradio.org/begin.htm . There are books on radio restoration you can buy ( http://astore.amazon.com/philcoradiocom ) and lots of on-line information in this Phorum and others such as the Philco Repair Bench http://www.philcorepairbench.com/ or http://www.antiqueradios.com/. Here's a youtube I like as a summary of electrical restoration steps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8wWw92HNZg and Bob Andersen has some great videos that show a lot (see: http://www.youtube.com/user/bandersentv/videos?view=1 ). I see you live in Michigan so you may want to join the Michigan Antique Radio Club and get to know the folks in your area that can be of help. Go to: http://michiganantiqueradio.org/?q=content/join-marc . Before you start working on a live chassis, learn about the fundamentals of electricity and safety since these radios do have sufficient currents and voltages to be fatal. This phorum has lots of people willing to answer questions as well, so have fun!