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Ron's Cabinet Work for the 2013 Season

The other day, I was looking online for some tips on using CrystaLac. I can't find the link now, else I would post it, but I found a page where the author had his own method of applying the stuff:

Slather it on and immediately squeegee it off. Rub out with burlap, first across the grain, then with the grain.

It sounded promising, so I tried it on the front panel of my 610T cabinet.

Results: The stuff was drying before I could start wiping it down with burlap. I let it dry and then could not sand it, so I ended up scraping it off with a razor blade.

And guess what - the pores were only partially filled. And this was the second coat!

If you like CrystaLac, good luck to you. I hate CrystaLac. Icon_thumbdown

Fortunately, the good stuff arrived yesterday - Constantine's walnut wood filler in a pint can. Now excuse me, as I am on my way outside to use it on that 610T cabinet and, if I get really productive this afternoon, maybe the 38-2670B cabinet as well (which I re-stripped a few days ago).

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ron's Cabinet Work for the 2013 Season - by Ron Ramirez - 06-05-2013, 03:01 PM

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