06-21-2013, 08:40 PM
OK folks,
Wet sanded both cabinets this afternoon, after which both received two more coats of clear Deft. Oh, and I applied the PHILCO decal to the 38-2670 cabinet before wet sanding it (I just didn't wet sand the cabinet where the decal was). As far as I am concerned, both it and the 42-22CL are finished.
So that's three complete, and it isn't quite the end of June yet.
It was an appropriate day here for being the first day of summer - temperatures late this afternoon here were in the low 90s and the humidity was high. When Deft blushes, then you know the humidity is high!
Because of this, I'm thinking about holding off on any more lacquer spraying until September. I haven't made any firm decision on that yet, though. After Lansing, I will be working on repairing chipped veneer on the the 41-246 and 39-330AT cabinets, and getting them ready to spray with lacquer. I'll pick up some of that Klean-Strip for the 41-KR and for the top panel of the 39-770 Tropic. And I also need to work on the 37-610T. I'd also like to get my flat-face 3-knob 89B and my R-2 extension speaker cabinets repaired and refinished this year, but I'll have to wait and see if I can get to those before the weather turns cold.
Wet sanded both cabinets this afternoon, after which both received two more coats of clear Deft. Oh, and I applied the PHILCO decal to the 38-2670 cabinet before wet sanding it (I just didn't wet sand the cabinet where the decal was). As far as I am concerned, both it and the 42-22CL are finished.

So that's three complete, and it isn't quite the end of June yet.
It was an appropriate day here for being the first day of summer - temperatures late this afternoon here were in the low 90s and the humidity was high. When Deft blushes, then you know the humidity is high!
Because of this, I'm thinking about holding off on any more lacquer spraying until September. I haven't made any firm decision on that yet, though. After Lansing, I will be working on repairing chipped veneer on the the 41-246 and 39-330AT cabinets, and getting them ready to spray with lacquer. I'll pick up some of that Klean-Strip for the 41-KR and for the top panel of the 39-770 Tropic. And I also need to work on the 37-610T. I'd also like to get my flat-face 3-knob 89B and my R-2 extension speaker cabinets repaired and refinished this year, but I'll have to wait and see if I can get to those before the weather turns cold.
Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN